My passion is helping others!
Get in touch with me today and see how I can help you!
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world-wide on Skype

Finding Dignity and Meaning, While Struggling, Divided Within.
Gaining Strength and Growing, Still Yearning, New Paths to Begin.
Types Of Therapy
Dr. Jane Elizabeth Dum

- BS, Psychology, Univ. of Mass
- MA, Psychology, Univ. of Chicago
- Doctorate LMU, Munich
- Degree in Psychotherapy Inst. of Integrative Therapy
- Certified Hypnotherapist, Center for Applied Hypnosis
- American Psychological Ass. (APA)
- Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologen
- Bayerische Landeskammer der Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten (PTK)
- Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Munich
- Inst. of clinical Psychology LMU, Munich
- Licensed (Approbiert) in Germany as a Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
- No contract with the German public insurence (no “Kassenzulassung”)